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Training Programs

There's a plan for everyone and every ability

  • Single Month

    Custom one month program for short term goals
    Valid for one month
    • Interactive program that can be used at any time
    • Training focused climbing drills
    • Movement drills
    • Communication with coach throughout program
  • Three Month

    Custom three month plan great for preparing for a trip
    Valid for 3 months
    • Initial assessment prior to start of program
    • Customized to you and your needs
    • Monthly check-in call with coach to discuss material
    • Tracking by coach for accountability
    • Goal setting and strategy
    • Access to contact coach
  • Customized Premium

    Every month
    Custom program built for long term goals or a future trip
    • Customized monthly plan based on ability and goals
    • Incorporating all aspects of climbing training
    • Coach tracking for accountability
    • Goal setting and strategy
    • Monthly video meeting
    • Video analysis at any time
    • Access to contact coach
    • Two month minimum required for a custom program*
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